Fritto Misto of Monkfish with Mango Salsa by Ian Orr


2 pieces of monkfish sliced

100g cornflour
1tsp curry powder
1tsp paprika
1tsp chili

100ml milk

1 mango chopped
½ red onion diced
zest of 1 lemon and juice
Small bunch of coriander

1 tablespoon of sriracha sauce
100g mayonnaise


Pre heat the fryer to 180oc

Cover the fish with milk, mix the spices with corn flour and add a little salt.

Remove the fish from the milk and place into the flour mixture, when fully coated place it into the fryer for about 2 minutes until  the fish is crispy, take out of fryer and drain on kitchen paper and season with salt.

For the salsa, combine the mango, red onion lemon zest & juice, mix everything together and add the chopped coriander.  In a separate dish mix the mayonnaise with the sriracha sauce and serve.

Tip: Substitute the Monkfish with any fish you like or try a combination with Squid and prawn.  You can add more chilli powder to the batter to make it spicier.  Additional sriracha could also be added to make the mayonnaise spicier.

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